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"Catholic Social Thought": THE WAY OF LOVE

To present the Church's position clearly and without any other ideological frills


  • 204.
    • “Among the virtues in their entirety, and in particular between virtues, social values and love, there exists a deep bond that must be ever more fully recognized.”
  • 205.
    • “It is from the inner wellspring of love that the values of truth, freedom and justice are born and grow.”
      • John XXIII, Encyclical Letter Pacem in Terris: AAS 55 (1963), 265-267.
  • 206.
    • “Love presupposes and transcends justice, which ‘must find its fulfillment in charity.’”
      • John Paul II, Message for the 2004 World Day of Peace, 10: AAS 96 (2004), 120.
      • John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Dives in Misericordia, 14: AAS 72 (1980), 1223.
      • John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Dives in Misericordia, 12: AAS 72 (1980), 1216.
      • John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Dives in Misericordia, 14: AAS 72 (1980), 1224.
      • Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2212.
  • 207.
    • “No legislation, no system of rules or negotiation will ever succeed in persuading men and peoples to live in unity, brotherhood and peace; no line of reasoning will ever be able to surpass the appeal of love.”
      • Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, II-II, q. 23, a. 8: Ed. Leon. 8, 72.
      • Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1827.
      • Paul VI, Address to the Food and Agriculture Association on the twenty-fifth anniversary of its foundation (16 November 1970): Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. VIII, p. 1153.
  • 208.
    • “Social and political charity is not exhausted in relationships between individuals but spreads into the network formed by these relationships, which is precisely the social and political community; it intervenes in this context seeking the greatest good for the community in its entirety.”
    • “To love him on the social level means, depending on the situations, to make use of social mediations to improve his life or to remove social factors that cause his indigence.”

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