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Cooper, Brandon

Collier County School Board Speaker Registration Form


Requests to speak at board meetings can now be made online five (5) hours prior to the start of each meeting.  For example, Regular School Board Meetings begin at 4:00 p.m.  At 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting, a Speaker Registration Form would be seen below.  The form would be available for submission until 4:00 p.m., the start of the meeting.  Filling out an online registration card prior to the meeting will hold your place in line to speak. 
Public Comment Changes:
As agreed upon at the November 17, 2015, Organizational Meeting, public comments at Regular School Board Meetings will be time certain starting at 4:30 p.m. and will be presented in the following order:
1)      Consent Agenda speakers - The comment card must be submitted prior to the start of the Consent Agenda comment period.
2)      The Board will then act on the Consent Agenda.
3)      General Public Comment speakers - The comment card must be submitted prior to the start of the General Public Comment period. Informational items must be addressed during General Public Comments.
4)      Business Agenda public comments - Speakers may comment on any proposition (voted) item.  The comment card must be submitted prior to the start of the comment period for each proposition upon which the Board will take official action by vote.
5)      The business portion of the meeting begins after public comment concludes.
(Individuals who wish to speak at School Board Work Sessions must also complete a comment card.  All comments should address the topic(s) being discussed.)

Florida Schools Public Records Request


The public records of this District as defined under Florida statutes are available for public inspection and/or copying in accordance with the following administrative procedures.


  A. Requests to inspect or secure copies of records shall be submitted to the District Communication Office (DCO). Requests may be submitted via e-mail, fax, phone, in person, ore requested orally at a regular School Board meeting or work session. While it is not required, requestors are encouraged to submit requests in writing to expedite accurate processing of their requests. Requests should be sufficiently detailed to identify the documents sought to be examined or copied.


  B. Within a reasonable period of time, the DCO will determine and advise the requestor whether the records specified in the request are available for inspection and/or copying.


  C. With respect to records which are determined to be available, the DCO will arrange for the preparation of records for review and/or copying, upon payment of any required fee. However, the requestor shall be notified of estimated fees prior to work commencing.


  D. With respect to records which are determined not to be available, the DCO will notify the requestor promptly, citing the reason.


  E. Public records requests are applicable to non-exempt portions of existing records. The District shall not be obligated to create a new record or compile lists or information from various existing records to accommodate a public records request.


  F. Whenever possible, public records requests will be processed electronically.



  A. A duplication fee of fifteen cents ($0.15) per page or twenty cents ($0.20) per two (2) sided copy, and an additional fee of $1.00 per copy for a certified copy, shall be charged. For all other copies, the actual cost of duplication of the public record shall be charged. The requestor shall also be charged the cost of mailing the records, when requested to do so. The requestor shall be advised of these costs in advance of the duplication of the requested records.


  B. A fifty percent (50%) deposit will be required if the estimated cost of duplication exceeds $50.00. For estimated costs in excess of $100.00, full payment is a condition of production.


  C. If the nature or volume of public records requested to be inspected, examined, or copied is such as to require extensive use of information technology resources, or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance, the District will charge a reasonable special service charge, which shall be in addition to the duplication charge, pursuant to F.S. 119.07(1)(b).
    The term "extensive use" means any time longer than fifteen (15) minutes needed to complete all tasks defined in subparagraphs 1 and 2 below:


    1. The term "extensive use of clerical or supervisory assistance" includes longer than fifteen (15) minutes of locating and retrieving of records; reviewing records for statutorily exempt information; preparing records for inspection and/or copying by redacting exempt information from records prior to review or copying; monitoring of the inspection or copying of records when necessary to ensure the integrity of the records; and instruction, or supervising personnel in performing the foregoing tasks when responding to a particular public records request.


    2. The term "extensive use of information technology resources" includes longer than fifteen (15) minutes of writing or executing software commands or setting up information technology resources. Under F.S. 119.07(1)(b), the term shall include data processing hardware, software, or services; and/or communications, supplies, personnel, facility resources, maintenance, and technology training required to fulfill a given public records request.


  D. Prior to the assessment of any special service charge, the District shall notify the requestor of estimated charges. Upon agreement by the requestor and payment of estimated charges, if any, the District will proceed to complete the request.


    1. Of the monies deposited with the District for fulfillment of a public records request, those in excess of the actual costs incurred to fulfill the request will be refunded to the requestor; or in the alternative, the requestor shall be required to remit additional monies to pay for any costs in excess of the monies deposited with the District.


    2. In the event the requestor fails to remit additional monies to cover costs in excess of the monies deposited, the District may withhold releasing any public records produced pursuant to the request until those amounts are paid in full.



While incoming and outgoing e-mails of all District personnel, including School Board members, are subject to Public Records Law, the District must provide certain safeguards to ensure exempt information contained within those e-mails is protected from disclosure. For this reason, electronic access to District e-mails by anyone other than District employees and Board members is prohibited. However, the following procedures are to be followed to ensure that the public’s right to review and/or copy District e-mails is maintained.

Whatever the scope of the request, there may be a cost associated to compile, review, and print the e-mails matching the parameters provided by the requestor. An estimate of those costs will be provided to the requestor before work begins. Applicable deposits and/or full payment will be collected as a condition to production.

  A. Requests to Inspect E-mails


    1. A preliminary search will be performed to determine the number of e-mails matching the requestor’s specifications and to estimate the amount of staff time required to facilitate the request. The staff time would include time required to retrieve and print the e-mails, review for exempt information, and prepare for review by requestor.


    2. The DCO will advise the requestor of the estimated cost. Upon agreement by the requestor and payment of estimated charges, the DCO will proceed to complete the request.


    3. The prepared e-mails will be available in the office of the DCO for review by the requestor.


    4. Copies of any or all of the prepared e-mails may be purchased according to the applicable fees outlined in these administrative procedures.


  B. Requests for Copies of E-mails
    The same procedures for inspecting e-mails will be followed except that the requestor, upon payment of all applicable fees including copy charges, will be provided with the prepared e-mails.

Student Discipline Rights and Procedures

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