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The Bar Exam: 1L Year

How to pass the Bar Exam

Welcome to Law School

Welcome to law school. If you are like most law students, you intend in three years time to take and pass a bar exam. Most of the resources you will find here are geared toward upper division students in their 3L year. However, there are some things that you should think about this year.

  • First, don't sign up for a bar prep class. A bar prep class is already included in your tuition and you will get more information about this at a later date.
  • Second, you should be aware of any character and fitness issues you may have. See below for more information.
  • Third, RELAX your first year is hard enough without stressing out about the bar exam, see to the right.

Character and Fitness

Character and Fitness

As part of the bar exam application, the state bar will investigate your background to see if you have been a good person. Just because you got into law school doesn't mean the state bar has to admit you. It is up to you to prove to the state bar that you possess the requisite character and fitness to be a member of the bar.

While out of date the Character and Fitness process goes approximately like this: The Florida Board of Bar Examiners: The Use of and Rehabilitation at Formal Hearings (Florida Bar Journal 2000)


Alcohol and substance abuse problems:

Some states impose automatic wait periods if you have been convicted of or even charged with DWI or DUI. Florida does not but expect to be questioned by the bar if you haven't completed any treatment or rehabilitation program.  


Mental Health Issues:

The Florida Bar, like others, actively encourages applicants to get help for any mental health needs. The Florida Bar allows conditional approval where the applicant can practice law submitting regular reports to the bar along with proof of treatment, medication, etc.


Academic Misconduct:

Cheating can be an independent reason to reject an application for character and fitness. Other incidents that reflect on the candidate's ability to respect the rights of others the law will be looked at carefully by any aspect and fitness board.



Disclose is the order of the day. There are very few things that preclude a person from practicing law. However, failing to communicate and to be completely honest about them will almost certainly preclude any person from being admitted to any jurisdiction.  

Florida Bar Information for 1Ls

Do you know that you are going to take the Florida Bar? If you are sure then as a 1L you are eligible to receive a $300 discount on your bar application fees. If you file a pre-application with the Florida Bar before January for Aug/Sep starts and before June for Jan/Feb starts then you will get $300.00 off your total application fee.

Florida First Year Registration Information

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