806 KAR 12:092. Unfair life and health insurance claims settlement practices
Kentucky's Medicaid Program is authorized in Title XVII. Economic Security and Public Welfare, Chapter 205. Public Assistance and Medical Assistance (Refs & Annos), Medical Assistance (State Medicaid Program) at KRS § 205.510 et seq. Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 205.510 (West).
And, Kentucky's Medicaid Program is implemented by Title 907. Cabinet for Health and Family Services Department for MedicaidServices, Chapter 1. Medicaid Services at 907 Ky. Admin. Regs. 1:675.
Whether Kentucky’s “any willing provider” law, which requires each health maintenance organization (HMO) in the State to make available to its subscribers the services of any medical provider in its geographical region that agrees to the terms and conditions offered by the HMO, is saved from preemption as a law that “regulates insurance” under ERISA Section 514(b)(2)(A), 29 U.S.C. 1144(b)(2)(A).