- Plan a search before connecting to the system!
- Start with a broad search and then narrow down.
- Call the reference attorneys at Lexis and Westlaw. They can suggest search terms or databases. They will run a search for you and see if there are any hits. 1 -800 45 LEXIS, 1-800-REF-ATTY (733-2889) (Westlaw)
- Use Alert searches to update research. There is no additional cost for Alerts.
- With transactional pricing, you can run a previously conducted search from your History or Trail at no charge, but only until 2 a.m. the next day (Westlaw) or within 24 hours (Lexis).
- If you have a citation, use Get a Document or Find instead of searching.
- Use the Table of Contents or or use Book Browse on Lexis at no charge. On Westlaw, the arrow keys allowing one to scroll between documents results in an additional charge. The Westlaw help calls this feature "documents in sequence".
- When using Shepard’s® in LexisNexis, use Custom Restrictions to get as specific as possible. Use Locate to accomplish the same thing in Keycite.
- Search by Topic/Headnote (L) (not yet available on Lexis Advance); KeyNumber/ Keysearch (W)
- Use BriefCheck or Lexis For Microsoft Office and WestCheck to check your citations.
- Print with your Web browser for free.
- Copy with Reference instead of printing, if desirable.
If your employer offers access to one, but not both, of the major providers, or both, but one with a more restrictive contract, make sure you can transition to the preferred system. See the Law Library's LexisNexis and Westlaw Features Compared and Lexis Advance and WestlawNext Features Compared.