The new Eighth Edition is the go to source that addresses practical issues about appellate practice in Florida. Turn to this manual for guidance on filing a notice of appeal, determining which orders are appealable, preparing motions, and many other essential practice concerns. The manual covers civil, criminal, administrative, and juvenile delinquency appeals.
Florida Rules of Court Local KeyRules contains procedural practice guides that integrate local practice rules with statewide court rules and secondary sources. Procedure-based practice guides for filing pleadings, motions, and discovery papers in selected Florida courts are included, as well as excerpts from the state and local rules of civil procedure and state statutes. The excerpts are reorganized into an outline format to serve as a quick reference guide for a practitioner.
Fees impact every aspect of your case -- the contract with your client, when to accept an offer or go to trial, and a host of other details. If you make decisions without one eye trained on fees, you can trigger a financial and professional disaster. Navigate safely using Attorney's Fees in Florida, Second Edition, the only manual that gives you the most up-to-date information on all aspects of this complex, fluid and sometimes dangerous aspect of your Florida practice. Inside you'll find critical coverage of procedure, jurisdiction, constitutional issues, attorney-client disputes, and much more. Don't be without this indispensable reference to the only topic that applies to every single case you handle.
FasTrain Florida Civil Trial Preparation is designed to guide the attorney through all phases of trial preparation, from interviewing the client to preparing the closing argument and jury instructions. Details regarding trial notebooks, pretrial motions, discovery, and evidentiary issues are provided to help the attorney focus and advance the case, and settlement options are explored as a prudent alternative to trial. Each phase of preparation is individually covered, and thoroughly cross-referenced.
Civil Procedure is the body of law governing the methods and practices used in civil litigation. It can be enacted by the legislature or the courts. It can be the rules that are used in handling a civil case from the time the initial complaint is filed through the pretrial discovery, the trial and any subsequent appeal. In a nut shell, it can be taken as the methods, procedures, and practices used in civil cases.
State and federal courts have different procedure codes. Each state has its own rules of civil procedure which is set out in a separate code of civil procedure. Many of the state civil procedure codes are modeled on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Florida Pretrial Practice gives you step-by-step guidance on procedural issues and helps you build your case.
The book concentrates on issues related to pre-trial procedure and give complete coverage on relevant topics, including such areas as:
This product functions as a basic guide to frequently made trial objections and objections during pre-trial depositions. Each objection is presented, then followed by a short discussion of the applicable evidence law. Local practice varies throughout the state in the expression of particular trial objections, so variations are included to more easily locate the objection. Contains several objections that were not included in past editions, as well as substantial updates to reflect the most current judicial decisions and statutory changes. The Florida Evidence Code is included.
Florida Motions in Limine serves as a practical, portable guide to making and opposing Florida in-limine motions. It contains dozens of fully briefed sample motions as well as critical evidence motions that, if granted, can end a case early. It covers issues such as excluding expert opinions, scientific tests, and improper discovery.
Florida Causes of Action provides a clear pleading framework for every cause of action to help you form a logical and winning discovery strategy. With Florida Causes of Action's detailed defenses for most causes of action, and its multi-page sections on duress, estoppel, laches, unconscionability, and waiver, you will never again second-guess the strength of your response. And, Florida Causes of Action helps you detect weaknesses in your opposition's complaint or cross-complaint. With a clear analysis of every required pleading element, you will be ready to mount your attack, or counsel your client against a needless pleadings challenge.
Florida Standard Jury Instructions in Criminal Cases, a product of the Supreme Court's Committee on Standard Jury Instructions in Criminal Cases, provides an authoritative array of instructions for virtually every criminal offense, as well as general instructions, grand jury instructions, and proceedings for the commitment of violent sexual predators.