The Ave Maria Law Review is the law school's scholarly publication that features articles written by legal scholars, judges, and practitioners throughout the country. The Law Review is published twice annually by second- and third-year law students. As a Catholic legal journal, the Ave Maria Law Review is dedicated to:
Promoting excellence in the presentation of legal scholarship in all areas of the law in order to be an authoritative and reliable source for the research needs of lawyers, judges, professors, and students;
Developing the scholarly writing and technical skills of its members through active involvement in the writing, editing, and production of an excellent legal journal;
Engaging the whole legal community in thoughtful dialogue on the entire spectrum of legal issues, while affirming the Catholic legal tradition, built upon the foundation of faith and reason.
Students are selected to serve on Law Review based on academic performance or writing ability following the first year. Staff members of the Law Review receive academic credit of 1-3 credit hours.