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Legislation: Library Resources


U.S. Senate Glossary of Terms

Act - Legislation (a bill or joint resolution, see below) which has passed both chambers of Congress in identical form, been signed into law by the President, or passed over his veto, thus becoming law. Technically, this term also refers to a bill that has been passed by one house and engrossed (prepared as an official copy).

Bill The principal vehicle employed by lawmakers for introducing their proposals (enacting or repealing laws, for example) in the Senate. Bills are designated S. 1, S. 2, and so on depending on the order in which they are introduced. They address either matters of general interest ("public bills") or narrow interest ("private bills"), such as immigration cases and individual claims against the Federal government.

Committee substitute - Short for committee amendment in the nature of a substitute.

Conference committee A temporary, ad hoc panel composed of House and Senate conferees which is formed for the purpose of reconciling differences in legislation that has passed both chambers. Conference committees are usually convened to resolve bicameral differences on major and controversial legislation.

Engrossed bill - The official copy of a bill or joint resolution passed by the Senate and certified by the Secretary of the Senate.

Enrolled bill - The final copy of a bill or joint resolution which has passed both chambers in identical form. It is printed on parchment paper, signed by appropriate House and Senate officials, and submitted to the President for signature.

Public law - A public bill or joint resolution that has passed both chambers and been enacted into law. Public laws have general applicability nationwide.

Statutes at large - A chronological listing of the laws enacted each Congress. They are published in volumes numbered by Congress.


Legislative history in print form can be the only method available in many states. Ordinarily the researcher will look at the current section of the code, determine the history of its' enactment, search through the Acts of the Legislature, ascertain the House or Senate bill number, look for the Journal of either House or Senate, depending on genesis and looking for the table of actions taken indicating the page numbers where the language can be found.

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