This research guide will assist anyone who is trying to learn more about Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion in the state of Florida. Furthermore, this guide will differentiate the two doctrines of Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion by the use of judicial opinions and secondary sources. Lastly, within this guide will be trial materials and forms included.
I. Introduction
II. Constitutions
III. Secondary Sources
IV. Case Law
V. Statutes
VI. Regulations
VII. Evidence
VIII. Forms
VX. Trial Materials
The following picture presents the levels of proof
The following picture shows the difference between Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion
No Legal Advice Provided
This libguide is not providing any legal advice and should be used only as a researching aid for probable cause and reasonable suspicion. The material found on this libguide is intended to only provide general information. This research guide is created for educational purposes only.