Ulysses Jaen
Phone: (239) 687-5501
Email: UJaen@avemarialaw.edu
Ulysses Jaen is the Director of the Law Library. If you have any questions regarding the library, legal research, the library's resources, or any other topics, please stop by and see him.
Rebekah Skiba
Phone: (239) 687-5504
Email: rskiba@avemarialaw.edu
Rebekah Skiba is the Emerging Technologies & Reference Librarian.
If you have any questions regarding research or the location of various items in the collection, please ask her.
Mary A. Malavolti
Phone: (239) 687-5506
Email: mmalavolti@avemarialaw.edu
Mary Malavolti handles the financial end of the law library.
Alla Sullivant
Phone: (239) 687-5503
Email: asullivant@avemarialaw.edu
Alla Sullivant is in charge of Circulation. If you have any questions regarding ILL, checking out books, the Reserve collection, etc., please contact her.
Robert Reid
Phone: (239) 687-5510
Email: rreid@avemarialaw.edu
Robert Reid works in Technical Services and handles and processes all incoming materials that we add to our collection here at Ave Maria School of Law Library.