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"Catholic Social Thought": BIBLICAL ASPECTS

To present the Church's position clearly and without any other ideological frills


  • 255.
    • “The Old Testament presents God as the omnipotent Creator who fashions man in his image and invites him to work the soil, and cultivate and care for the garden of Eden in which he has placed him.”
    • “In the Creator’s plan, created realities, which are good in themselves, exist for man’s use.”
  • 256.
    • “Work is part of the original state of man and precedes his fall; it is therefore not a punishment or curse.”
  • 257.
    • “Work has a place of honor because it is a source of riches, or at least of the conditions for a decent life, and is, in principle, an effective instrument against poverty.  But one must not succumb to the temptation of making an idol of work, for the ultimate and definitive meaning of life is not to be found in work.  Work is essential, but it is God –– and not work –– who is the origin of life and the final goal of man.”
  • 258.
    • “The apex of biblical teaching on work is the commandment of the Sabbath rest.”
    • “The memory and the experience of the Sabbath constitute a barrier against becoming slaves to work, whether voluntarily or by force, and against every kind of exploitation, hidden or evident.”



Cited Documents

Address during his Pastoral Visit to Pomezia, Italy

Catechism of the Catholic Church

"For more than a decade bishops, theologians, and other experts worked on a 'compendium of all Catholic doctrine regarding both faith and morals.' The fruit of their work was the catechism, an organized presentation of the essential teachings of the Catholic Church in regards to both faith and morals, 'in the light of the Second Vatican Council and the whole of the church’s tradition.'”  -

Holy Bible

Laborem Exercens

"Exhorting Christians everywhere to be involved in the transformation of existing socio-economic systems, John Paul II presents work as a fundamental dimension of human existence through which the "social question" must be viewed. The meaning of work can only be properly understood when the dignity of labor is taken as an underlying premise."  -

Redemptor Hominis

"Above all, I implore Mary, the heavenly Mother of the Church, to be so good as to devote herself to this prayer of humanity's new Advent, together with us who make up the Church, that is to say the Mystical Body of her Only Son.  I hope that through this prayer we shall be able to receive the Holy Spirit coming upon us and thus become Christ's witnesses 'to the end of the earth,' like those who went forth from the Upper Room in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost."

Saint Ambrose, De Obitu Valentiniani Consolatio

Saint Athanasius, Life of Saint Antony

Saint Basil, Regulae Fusius Tractatae

Saint Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses

Saint John Chrysostom, Homily on Acts

Theodoret of Cyr, On Providence

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