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"Catholic Social Thought": SOLIDARITY AMONG WORKERS

To present the Church's position clearly and without any other ideological frills



Cited Documents

Address to the International Conference for Union Representatives (2 December 1996)

Catechism of the Catholic Church

"For more than a decade bishops, theologians, and other experts worked on a 'compendium of all Catholic doctrine regarding both faith and morals.' The fruit of their work was the catechism, an organized presentation of the essential teachings of the Catholic Church in regards to both faith and morals, 'in the light of the Second Vatican Council and the whole of the church’s tradition.'”  -

Gaudium et Spes

"Calling for a new sense of service by the Church in a rapidly changing world, the Council presents the ethical framework of the Church's commitment to pastoral work in the world. This servant Church addresses itself to the real concerns and problems faced by Christians living in the modern age and calls for a development based on an unqualified accceptance of the inherent dignity of the human person."  -

Laborem Exercens

"Exhorting Christians everywhere to be involved in the transformation of existing socio-economic systems, John Paul II presents work as a fundamental dimension of human existence through which the "social question" must be viewed. The meaning of work can only be properly understood when the dignity of labor is taken as an underlying premise."  -

Message to the Participants in the International Symposium on Work (14 September 2001)

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