To prevent wasting valuable time, practicing attorneys often use sample versions of legal documents. Forms can be accessed from a number of resources, including LexisNexis and Westlaw.
It can be useful for a practitioner to view briefs filed regarding similar issues. Below are copys of the briefs and answer filed in Bionetics Corp. v. Kenniasty, 69 So. 3d 943, 944 (Fla. 2011), reh'g denied (Sept. 6, 2011), cert. denied, 132 S. Ct. 848 (U.S. 2011).
Protective Orders:
When litigating anythign cocerning a trade secret, it is important to seek out protective orders to prevent any discovery or court documents from revealing the trade secret to the public. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 26(c) expressly allows for an order to be entered to protect trade secrets. The forms listed below can be used to seek a protective order during trade secret litigation:
Protective Order, LexisNexis(R) Forms FORM 1388-7.31
Sample Protective Order – Single Classification (Bloomberg Law)
Sample Protective Order – Multiple Tiers (Bloomberg Law)
Expedited Discovery:
For a number of reasons it can be crucial in trade secret litigation to act quickly. One way of doing this is by filing for expidited discovery.
Form 30-11. Motion for leave to take expedited discoverydepositions
3 Patent Law Practice Forms § 79:52
For a more in-depth analysis of these potential issue, check out Corporate Practice Series Portfolios, Portfolio 43-3rd: Trade Secrets available at Bloomberg Law.
9 Bus. & Com. Litig. Fed. Cts. § 105:78 (3d ed.)
3 Fed. Jury Prac. & Instr. § 127:10 (6th ed.), 3 Fed. Jury Prac. & Instr. § 127:10 (6th ed.)