ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project - Immigrant Services Directory
This directory is as a compendium of immigration service providers by state that may be able to provide assistance at low or no cost.
American Bar Association - Immigration Legal Service Providers Directory
This directory can help you locate the contact information for free or low-cost legal services for immigrants and refugees in your state.
American Immigration Lawyers Association
1331 G Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington DC, 20005-3142
Phone: 202-507-7600
Fax: 202-783-7853
AILA cannot provide a referral, but the attorney listings at provide contact information for the general public to contact an AILA attorney directly. You will have to ask the attorney about his or her fees immediately as there is no organization-wide policy. Be sure to mention that you found the attorney at All lawyers participating in the service are licensed to practice law in a state or territory of the United States and are currently members in good standing of a State Bar Association.
ASISTA Immigration Technical Assistance Project
3101 Ingersoll Ave., Ste 210
Des Moines IA, 50312
Their purpose is to centralize assistance for advocates and attorneys facing complex legal problems in advocating for immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
AYUDA Clinical Legal Latina
Phone: (202) 387-4848 Mon-Fri 9-5
Exists to advocate for and defend the legal and human rights of low-income Latino and other immigrant communities in the Washington, D.C. area.
Catholic Charities
In most states, provides legal representation and information for victims of domestic violence with immigration issues. Find the program closest to where you live by clicking on the link above.
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)
Directory of Immigration legal services organizations (by state). CLINIC's mission is to enhance and expand delivery of legal services to indigent and low-income immigrants principally through diocesan immigration programs and to meet the immigration needs identified by the Catholic Church in the United States. CLINIC and its member agencies represent low-income immigrants without reference to their race, religion, gender, ethnic group, or other distinguishing characteristics.
Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS)
200 McAllister Street
San Francisco CA, 94102
Phone: 415-565-4877
Fax: 415-581-8824
Provides legal expertise and resources to attorneys representing women asylum-seekers fleeing gender related harm.
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST)
5042 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles CA, 90036
Phone: 213-365-1906
Fax: 213-365-5257
CAST will provide shelter and legal services to persons trafficked for the purpose of forced labor and slavery-like practices.
Family Violence Prevention Fund
383 Rhode Island Street
Suite 304
San Francisco CA, 94103-5133
Phone: (415) 252-8900
Fax: (415) 252-8991
Provides information and is part of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Hot Peach Pages
Hot Peach Pages is an on-line directory of world-wide abuse hotlines, crisis centers, refuges, shelters, and women's organizations. Information on abuse is available in more than sixty-five languages.
Immigration Equality
40 Exchange Place, 17th Floor
NY NY, 10005
Phone: 212.714.2904
Fax: 212.714.2973
Immigration Equality is a national organization that advocates for equality under the immigration law for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), and HIV-positive individuals. We serve as an information clearinghouse, giving LGBT foreign nationals and their loved ones up-to-date information about immigration law via trainings, informational materials, and by answering email and telephone inquiries. We run a pro bono asylum project to assist LGBT and HIV-positive asylum seekers to find free or low-cost legal representation. Immigration Equality also maintains a list of LGBT/HIV-friendly private immigration attorneys to provide legal representation for those who contact us. We also provide technical assistance to attorneys who are working on sexual orientation, transgender identity, or HIV status-based asylum applications, or other immigration applications where the client’s LGBT or HIV-positive identity is at issue in the case.
International Child Abuse Network (Yes ICan)
Working world-wide to end child abuse, the International Child Abuse Network website provides resources and information on child abuse and domestic violence. They offer facilitated chats (in Spanish and English) for victims and survivors of abuse of all ages and are an excellent source of online support.
International Institute of the Bay Area
Phone: Phone 510-451-2846
Services for immigrant and refugee families that ease the transition to American life in your first years here.
International Sexual Assault Centers
The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) has a list of sexual assault and domestic violence centers in 19 countries. Click on the link above to see if one is listed for the country you are in.
Legal Momentum Immigrant Women Program
1101 14th Street, NW, Ste. 300
Suite 550
Washington DC, 20005
Phone: (202) 326-0040
Fax: (202) 589-0511
The Immigrant Women Program is the nation’s expert on the rights and services available to immigrant victims of domestic and other violence. It shares this expertise through comprehensive materials and trainings for lawyers and advocates nationwide, and leads advocacy for legal protections, social services, and economic justice for immigrant women.
National Human Trafficking Resource Center, a program of the Polaris Project
Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
Phone: text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733)
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) is a national, toll-free hotline, available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Through the hotline, you can report a tip, connect with anti-trafficking services in your area, or request training and technical assistance, general information, or specific anti-trafficking resources.
National Immigration Law Center
Phone: (213)-639-3900
A national support center whose mission is to protect and promote the rights and opportunities of low-income immigrants. Conducts policy analysis and impact litigation and provides publications, technical advice, and trainings to a broad constituency of legal aid agencies, community groups, and pro bono attorneys.
National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild
Phone: (617) 227-9727
Information and legal support on immigrant rights. For information for immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, see:
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Provides information and referrals to victims of domestic violence.
Polaris Project
P.O. Box 53315
Washington DC, 20009
Phone: 202-745-1001
Fax: 202-745-1119
A multicultural grassroots organization combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Based in the United States and Japan, they combine street-level experience and technical expertise, working everyday from morning to past midnight to provide victim services, conduct advocacy, and build the anti-trafficking movement. Polaris Project's national trafficking hotline can now be accessed by texting INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733), instantly connecting victims to services from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.
STOPVAW is a site developed by Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights as a tool for the promotion of women's human rights in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
Tahirih Justice Center
6402 Arlington Blvd, Suite 300
Falls Church VA, 22042
Phone: 571-282-6161
Fax: 571-282-6162
Hours of Operation: M-F, 9am-5:30pm; The Tahirih Justice Center works to protect immigrant women and girls seeking justice in the United States from gender-based violence. Tahirih’s innovative and comprehensive approach leverages pro bono resources to provide a combination of legal services, advocacy, and public education programs.
The Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition (BSCC)
San Diego (with partners in Mexico and Latin America) CA,
Hotline: 619-666-2757
Phone: 619-336-0770
Phone: 1.888.373.7888
Fax: 619-336-0791
Prevent and intervene in the commercial and sexual exploitation of women and children while advocating for all exploited persons. The BSCC is an alliance of over 60 government and nonprofit agencies in the United States and Latin America that is convened in and along the U.S.-Mexico Border Region to combat slavery and human trafficking. Services: Advocacy for prostituted and trafficked girls and women. Assistance in providing a comprehensive, multifaceted network providing wrap-around services to women, men, and children who have been victimized by traffickers and held as slaves. Workshops provided for agencies offering services to victims of trafficking.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement, Anti-Trafficking in Persons
Aerospace Building
901 D Street, SW
Washington DC, 20447
Phone: (202) 401-5510
Fax: (202) 401-5487
Through the Office of Refugee Resettlement's website, you can learn about federal programs, resources, and benefits available to refugees and victims of human trafficking. The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Program (ATIP) identifies and serves victims of human trafficking, assisting foreign trafficking victims in the United States to become eligible for public benefits and services to the same extent as refugees. The program also raises awareness of human trafficking through the HHS Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking campaign.
Violence Against Women Office, US Department of Justice
Phone: 212-789-2830
Information about relevant laws, including the Victim's of Trafficking Act