"What are the requirements for parents who wish to home school their children? Children schooled at home by their parents or guardians are exempt from the Compulsory School Attendance Law. Parents are not required to register with the state or their local school district, and no testing or other requirements are placed on home schools not funded with public dollars."
". . . file an annual notice of enrollment in the school for the child with the local public school superintendent . . ." as well as other requirements.
". . . shall administer a nationally standardized test selected by the chief administrative officer of the school to all students enrolled in grades four, six, and eight at least once each school year."
". . . shall maintain permanent student records reflecting immunizations, physical examinations, standardized testing, academic achievement, and courses taken at the school."
"(1) "private school" means a school that does not receive direct state or federal funding; (2) "religious school" means a private school operated by a church or other religious organization that does not receive direct state or federal funding."