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9. In response to the inquiry by Plaintiff, Plaintiff was advised by a duly authorized representative of Central States and PHS that coverage was afforded to Steele throughout the month of August 2002 and that the surgical procedures to be performed were pre-certified for coverage. Plaintiff was advised that authorization had been given for both the procedure and up to a four night stay at Jackson Purchase Medical Center in Graves County, Kentucky. Plaintiff was provided a reference number of 020180512.
Answer: The Defendant lacks knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in paragraph number 9.
KRS 304.12-235(1) provides that except for a proper assignment of benefits or a participating provider agreement, all insurance claims must be paid and furnished to the insured within thirty days from the date of the notice and proof of claim. Ky. Prac. Substantive Crim. L. § 24:26
It is fundamental that your client's physician may not give information concerning what he has learned in the treatment of the patient unless the latter authorizes him to do so. 5 Ky. Prac. Methods of Prac. § 33:19